Group Vaccine Purchasing
CCPN is now offering its member practices a way to save money on vaccines. CCPN is partnering with the group vaccine purchasing organization, Atlantic Health Partners.
Atlantic Health Partners (AHP) offers discounted prices on Merck and Sanofi Pasteur vaccines, as well as Pfizer’s Trumenba. Vaccine Connect offers discounted prices on the full portfolio of adult and pediatric vaccines from GlaxoSmithKline.
CCPN encourages member practices to review how these programs may best meet their immunization needs based on vaccine preferences, vaccine pricing, and other practice-specific criteria. AHP has participation and brand requirements.
In addition to receiving discounted prices off the catalogue price, CCPN members may be eligible for rebates to further lower costs. AHP offers eligibility in an annual rebate program for all CCPN member practices.
There is no cost to join the organization, and practices can continue to order vaccines directly through the manufacturer(s). Atlantic does offer a “one-stop shop” on VaccineShoppe or VaxServe for all Sanofi and Merck vaccines.
Atlantic Health Partners also provides their members with excellent service and support for all their immunization needs.
(Note: This program is only for private supply of vaccines. Practices will still go through the Vaccines for Children program for their pediatric Medicaid and uninsured patients.)
If you would like more information on how to sign up, please email Jessica Whelan or call her at 919-926-3894.